Tag Archives: droidcon

Android Development

Slides from my session at Droidcon

Here are the slides that I’ve used during my yellow room session at the Dutch edition of Droidcon. The talked about how to integrate Google Analytics in your Android app. The response from the audience was positive, so I’m very pleased with that!

I released example code as well to go along with the slides.

[slideshare id=10303616&doc=presentation-111124031933-phpapp02]

Android Development

Speaking at droidconNL 2011

droidcon logoI am invited by the organizers of droidconNL to speak at their conference, which is to be held on November 22/23 in Amsterdam. During that conference, I will be talking about integrating Google Analytics in Android apps. I will also cover some of the caveats that you might encounter and how to overcome those by showing example code. So, if you’re interested, please come to my talk on November 23rd (the second day of the conference) at 12:30 PM in Room B. We’ll grab a drink afterwards. 😉

Be sure to check out the rest of the programme as well. It includes speakers from Google and Research In Motion, as well as other interesting speakers. Tickets are still available.