Category Archives: Android

Android Buienalarm

Persbericht HTC: Buienalarm in top 10 onmisbare apps

Posted in Dutch.

Recentelijk heeft de Android Market de mijlpaal van 100.000 apps bereikt. Om dit te vieren gaat HTC iets speciaals doen tijdens Dance Valley. Een quote uit het persbericht:

De teller van het aantal applicaties in de Android Market is de 100.000 gepasseerd. HTC, marktleider van op Android gebaseerde telefoons, viert dit door bezoekers van Dance Valley aanstaande zaterdag op ludieke wijze te verrassen. De 40.000 bezoekers van het event in Spaarnwoude kunnen rekenen op een ervaring die het dance-festijn tot nog grotere hoogte zal brengen.

In dit persbericht geeft HTC ook een top 10 van onmisbare apps uit de Android Market. Naast bekende apps als Facebook, Shazam en Picsay Pro wordt Buienalarm daar ook heel netjes in genoemd! 🙂 Het is buiten 9292ov ook de enige Nederlandse app in de top 10.

Android Development

Creating a free/paid app pair for the Android Market

If you have an app in the Android Market of which you want to have both a free version and a paid version, there are basically two ways of doing so. I will describe these two ways in this post. (Disclaimer: This is something that I haven’t tested yet myself, and I’m actually writing this to make sure I won’t forget it myself. On top of that, I don’t know whether there are any other/better ways of doing what I will describe below.)

Two completely separate apps

You can put two completely separate applications in the Market, with the free version covering a subset of the functionality of the paid version. While this is done quite often, this introduces a couple of minor problems:

  • If people are satisfied with the free version and want to purchase the paid version, they have to uninstall the free version first and then purchase and install the paid version. If they don’t, they might run into errors (depending on your application and to what extent you messed up your code). You have two separate applications with split download counts in your Developer Console, even though they’re in fact the same application.
  • You have to take measures for your development environment to be able to build two different versions of your application with little effort. For quite a lot of people, that can be a bit cumbersome.

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